Conference Leadership
2018 Transdisciplinary Theological Colloquium | Drew Theological School
Trans: Human/Divine Bodies Beyond Boundaries
Steering Committee Member and Session Moderator
Podcast Appearances
A Curious Disputation
Host: Lauren Sawyer
Episode 8: Post-Structuralism, or “Against Essentialism” (2021)
Episode 9: Feminism & Queer Theory (2021)
God Help Us Podcast
Host: Annie Mesaros
Episode Title: Complicating the Narrative (2019)
Ember Podcast
Hosts: Jeremy Graeff, Allison (Spooner) Smith, Kelsey Wallace
Seasons 1–3 (2017–2019)
Recent Worship & Preaching
4 October 2020
Thompson Memorial Presbyterian Church | New Hope, PA
Text: Luke 6:17–26
Title: Blessings & Woes
23 August 2020
First Presbyterian Church | West Chester, PA
Text: Exodus 2:1–10
Title: The Women of Exodus
21 November 2019
Drew University Chapel | Madison, NJ
Text: Luke 15:1–10
Title: Of Parables & Lost Things
For more of my liturgical work see: