In the Public Square

Conference Leadership

2018 Trans­dis­ci­pli­nary The­o­log­i­cal Col­lo­qui­um | Drew The­o­log­i­cal School
Trans: Human/Divine Bod­ies Beyond Bound­aries
Steer­ing Com­mit­tee Mem­ber and Ses­sion Moderator

Podcast Appearances

A Curi­ous Dis­pu­ta­tion
Host: Lau­ren Sawyer
Episode 8: Post-Struc­tural­ism, or “Against Essen­tial­ism” (2021)
Episode 9: Fem­i­nism & Queer The­o­ry (2021)

God Help Us Pod­cast
Host: Annie Mesaros
Episode Title: Com­pli­cat­ing the Nar­ra­tive (2019)

Ember Pod­cast
Hosts: Jere­my Gra­eff, Alli­son (Spoon­er) Smith, Kelsey Wal­lace
Sea­sons 1–3 (2017–2019)

Recent Worship & Preaching

4 Octo­ber 2020
Thomp­son Memo­r­i­al Pres­by­ter­ian Church | New Hope, PA
Text: Luke 6:17–26
Title: Bless­ings & Woes

23 August 2020
First Pres­by­ter­ian Church | West Chester, PA
Text: Exo­dus 2:1–10
Title: The Women of Exodus

21 Novem­ber 2019
Drew Uni­ver­si­ty Chapel | Madi­son, NJ
Text: Luke 15:1–10
Title: Of Para­bles & Lost Things

For more of my litur­gi­cal work see: