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Pandemic Prayers

Note: All of the prayers includ­ed on this page were com­posed by me and orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten for use in Craig Chapel at Drew The­o­log­i­cal School. 

18 March 2020
God of qui­et moments and holy rest, we lay our fear and anx­i­ety at your feet. Help us to find com­fort in your peace, and rest in these strange and chal­leng­ing times. Help us to feel your pres­ence here with us. May we hold on to our sense of com­mu­ni­ty in the chaos so that we might fos­ter rela­tion­ships built on trust and not fear, even from afar. Let us extend grace and bless­ing to our­selves, our neigh­bors, and espe­cial­ly to the most vul­ner­a­ble among us. In the name of the one who walks beside us we pray, Amen.
25 March 2020
God of hope, you make a way where there isn’t one. Help us to find joy in our new real­i­ty — in the morn­ing sun stream­ing through our win­dows, in the rain that turns dead grass green and lush, in the qui­et moments of slow liv­ing that this time requires of us. Remind us that there is joy to be found even here, even now. May we lose our­selves in the every­day ecstasies of life even as we look toward a future of renewed whole­ness, for ours is a res­ur­rec­tion hope. In the name of the one who was and is and is to come we pray, Amen.
1 April 2020
Holy wan­der­er, each day you are with us as we tread into the unknown. In this sea­son of lent, your jour­ney has become our own. As we move toward the peak of infec­tion, the moment of great­est loss, remind us that you have already over­come death. The grief of Fri­day is upon us, O God, help us remem­ber that Sun­day is com­ing so that we might work with renewed ener­gy for restora­tion here and now. May the palms we lay this Sun­day be at the feet of the health­care work­ers, the gro­cery clerks, and the deliv­ery peo­ple who risk them­selves so that we might be cared for and fed, for they are sure­ly your hands and feet, your hope in our sick and fear­ful world. In the name of love tri­umphant we pray, Amen.
15 April 2020
Cre­ator God, bringer of sun­light and keep­er of the stars, we lean upon your stead­fast pres­ence today. Help us to offer one anoth­er com­pas­sion when the frus­tra­tion and anx­i­ety of social dis­tanc­ing becomes over­whelm­ing. As the days and weeks of this pan­dem­ic pass with no end in sight remind us that you have already made all things new. May we await the day we emerge once more into our com­mu­ni­ties with a sense of advent hope, con­fi­dent that the seeds of patience we nur­ture today will bloom in a health­i­er world. In the name of the one who heals us and sets us free we pray, Amen.
22 April 2020
God of begin­nings and God of end­ings, as this spring sea­son of our schol­ar­ly life togeth­er approach­es it’s con­clu­sion, remind us that this is a good­bye for now and not for­ev­er. Help us look toward the future with hope for new oppor­tu­ni­ties and to step into the unknown with the con­fi­dence that we will always have a place here in the for­est. May we bear the seeds of a bet­ter world with us as we go. In the name of the one who meets us where we are and jour­neys with us as we go, we pray. Amen.
9 Sep­tem­ber 2020
God of the dream­ers, who makes a way where there seems to be none, help us to build a bet­ter world so that we might expe­ri­ence your kin-dom made real in our com­mu­ni­ties. May our dreams be wor­thy and our inten­tions true: to love our neigh­bors, wel­come the stranger, and care for all of your good cre­ation. Through the one who is love and life, we pray, Amen.
16 Sep­tem­ber 2020
Redeem­ing God, lover of mer­cy, shep­herd of the bro­ken­heart­ed, we cry out to you today in pain, long­ing for jus­tice. When the vio­lence of the past and the vio­lence of the present seem to swal­low us whole, help us to find the courage to stand for what is right — for the safe­ty, health, and whole­ness of each and every one of your chil­dren. Today we remem­ber espe­cial­ly the six young peo­ple who lost their lives 57 years ago in the bomb­ing of the 16th Street Bap­tist Church of Birm­ing­ham, Alaba­ma and the shoot­ings in its after­math: Addie Mae Collins, Cyn­thia Wes­ley, Car­ole Robert­son, Car­ol Denise McNair, Vir­gil Ware, and John­nie Robin­son. We remem­ber them even as we stand in protest of the mur­ders of George Floyd, Bre­on­na Tay­lor, and so many oth­ers for whom jus­tice has not yet been found. May we be peo­ple of jus­tice and joy, embold­ened for the work of anti-racism and the dis­man­tling of sys­temic injus­tice, for it is the work of us all. In the name of for­giv­ing one, the one who restores all to abun­dant life, we pray, Amen.
23 Sep­tem­ber 2020
Ever­last­ing God, in whom we find a refuge from tur­moil, be with us today in our grief and anger. These past months have weighed heav­i­ly on us as we watched the death toll climb. Sur­round the fam­i­lies and friends of the more than 200,000 peo­ple tak­en from us by COVID-19 with com­fort and love. Imbue us with hope for the fight ahead, strength­en us in the wake of the death of Jus­tice Ruth Bad­er Gins­berg who for so many was a bea­con of right­eous­ness in this sea of despair. May her mem­o­ry be a bless­ing. May we walk in her foot­steps and pur­sue jus­tice for the women whose bod­ies were altered with­out their per­mis­sion in ICE deten­tion camps. May we mourn with them and stand with them against regimes that strip peo­ple of their auton­o­my and human­i­ty. Embold­en us for the work ahead so that your kin-dom might yet come — even here, even now. In the name of the heal­ing one we pray, Amen.
7 Octo­ber 2020
God of breath and silence, whose words whis­per through our hearts like wind rustling autumn leaves, stir up the dead, dry, and bro­ken parts of us so that we may come alive once more to the won­ders of your cre­ation. Though we so often for­get to lis­ten, remind us that even the rocks cry out in your name. May we cre­ate space enough in our day to lis­ten for your still small voice. In the name of one who cre­ates, redeems, and sus­tains us, Amen.
15 Octo­ber 2020
Mighty and pow­er­ful God, who heals bro­ken hearts and restores our very being, we ask that you lend us your strength today. We are weary of the hate­ful talk and fear-dri­ven actions that have engulfed us this year. We are weary of death, heartache, and grief. Enliv­en us for the ongo­ing work of jus­tice. Embold­en us to con­tin­ue to speak truth to pow­er in your name, even though we are exhaust­ed. May we find rest in you. In the one who pro­vides per­fect peace we pray, Amen.
28 Octo­ber 2020
Mer­ci­ful God, who knows our inner­most fears and desires, be with those who wait today. Bring com­fort to those who wait in grief, ener­gy to those who antic­i­pate the future with hope, and mind­ful­ness of the present to those who only know how to look ahead. May we find peace in being present to the peo­ple and places we encounter today for we know that you are in the midst of each and every moment. In the name of our holy com­pan­ion we pray, Amen.
4 Novem­ber 2020
Lov­ing God, today dawned with over­whelm­ing anx­i­ety and fear for so many. Pan­dem­ic cas­es are on the rise and it feels like the future of the U.S. hangs in the bal­ance. We ask for patience as all the votes are count­ed, wis­dom for those over­see­ing the ongo­ing elec­tion process, and com­pas­sion for our­selves and our neigh­bors today. Even when the results are in, O God, help us to remem­ber that the fight for jus­tice is not over. It begins anew every morn­ing until that day when you come to make all things new. May your kin-dom come — even here, even now. May we help make it so. In the name of mer­cy we pray, Amen.
11 Novem­ber 2020
Holy Wan­der­er, you make a way where it seems like there isn’t one. Guide our steps as we con­tin­ue to fight this pan­dem­ic. Give us courage and strength to per­se­vere in the face of ris­ing case counts. May we always seek to pro­tect our neigh­bors, to love the strangers in our midst, and to care for the lone­ly. Even though we can­not phys­i­cal­ly be togeth­er, we know that your spir­it weaves bonds of love among our com­mu­ni­ty that can­not be bro­ken by space or time. Help us to be an encour­age­ment to one anoth­er as the days get short­er and cold­er. In the name of Love we pray, Amen.
18 Novem­ber 2020
God of the ages, faith­ful cre­ator and mer­ci­ful redeemer, we give thanks today for our fam­i­lies — the peo­ple who love us and keep us — and with whom we feel more alive and less lone­ly. As the end of a dif­fi­cult year approach­es may we find joy in the lit­tle things, rest in the long nights, and demon­strate love through our con­tin­ued mask-wear­ing and social dis­tanc­ing. As we reflect on this year and look for­ward to the day when we can be togeth­er safe­ly once more, may we remem­ber the glim­mers of hope and good­will, the sto­ries of care in a year of pain. May we grieve with the bro­ken­heart­ed and rejoice with the joy­ful for we know that in all cir­cum­stances you are there too. In the name of unend­ing grace, we pray. Amen.
1 Decem­ber 2020
God we give you thanks for the gift of friend­ship, for time spent togeth­er even across dis­tance, and the mir­a­cle of laugh­ter. We give thanks for those who con­tin­ue to fight for the lives of all peo­ple, work­ing on the front lines of this pan­dem­ic. Give us the strength and courage to stay the course and do what we must to pro­tect our friends and neigh­bors from the virus. In the name of the one who loves us and sets us free, we pray. Amen.
20 Jan­u­ary 2021
Holy One, who makes all things new, we give you thanks for all of the ways that you are invit­ing us into new­ness today. Today begins a new semes­ter and a new pres­i­den­cy — this is a day filled to the brim with poten­tial and shroud­ed in hope. Renew our spir­its for the hard work of heal­ing. May we have com­pas­sion for our­selves and our neigh­bors. May we be bold in our hope, com­pelled toward jus­tice, and dili­gent in our search for equi­ty. May we enter this new sea­son of learn­ing ready to be chal­lenged, cared for, and encour­aged to grow. In the name of the way-mak­er, we pray. Amen.
17 Jan­u­ary 2021
Sacred Mys­tery, in whom all that lives finds it’s being, we give thanks for anoth­er sun­rise, anoth­er day filled with oppor­tu­ni­ty. Though the days are short and cold, may we find warmth of heart and strength of spir­it in the shared work of this com­mu­ni­ty. Shape us into agents of hope and com­pas­sion, so that we may con­tin­ue to build a world we can be proud of. Tonight we pray espe­cial­ly for miss­ing Drew stu­dent Ajay Sah. Be with those who are search­ing for him, give them clar­i­ty of mind and pur­pose. Sur­round Ajay’s friends and fam­i­ly with love and com­pas­sion. Look upon us with mer­cy, O God. Hear our prayers. All this we pray in the name of the one who is love eter­nal, Amen.
10 Feb­ru­ary 2021
God of the Cos­mos, who keeps the stars aloft and the plan­ets spin­ning, hold us in your ten­der embrace today. We give thanks for the warmth of our homes and our hearts in this sea­son marked by so many uncer­tain­ties. Give us the strength to con­tin­ue to love our neigh­bors by wear­ing masks and social dis­tanc­ing. May we find oppor­tu­ni­ties to con­nect with each oth­er in ways that nour­ish our soul. God, we cel­e­brate the vac­cine dis­tri­b­u­tion efforts already under­way. May these efforts only increase so that the most vul­ner­a­ble among us may receive the pro­tec­tion they so des­per­ate­ly need. We look for­ward with hope to the day that we are all vac­ci­nat­ed and can safe­ly embrace one anoth­er once more. In the name one who heals all things, we pray. Amen.
17 Feb­ru­ary 2021
Holy mys­tery, who breathed and spoke and danced the uni­verse into being, remind us today of our con­nec­tion to the earth. As we roll ash­es between our fin­gers and smear them across our fore­heads and hands, remind us that we are of the dust and to this dust we shall return. As our lenten jour­ney begins once more, help us find space to reflect on the brevi­ty of our lives, to seek repen­tance for our indi­vid­ual and com­mu­nal fail­ures, and to find ways to hon­or your pres­ence in the liv­ing beings with whom we share this world. We await the com­ing of the full­ness of your kin-dom and while we wait we work, we reflect, and we hope. In the name of the cre­ator, redeemer, and sus­tain­er, we pray. Amen. 
24 Feb­ru­ary 2021
God of the wan­der­ers, who dwelt with the Israelites in pil­lars of fire and cloud and who dwells with­in each one of us, encour­age us to lean into your good­ness and mer­cy as we enter this Lenten sea­son. Help us to learn from our mis­takes and to encounter our fel­low humans with com­pas­sion and care. As the snow begins to melt and the days grow longer, we look for­ward to the signs of spring and new life that are sure­ly com­ing soon. Even as we con­tin­ue to mourn the more than 500,000 lives lost to the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic and to remem­ber the life of recent alum Min­is­ter Cyn­thia D. Pullen, we look for­ward to your com­ing in glo­ry. Ours is a res­ur­rec­tion hope, O God, for we know that noth­ing in life or in death can sep­a­rate us from your love. In the name of the one who dries every tear, we pray. Amen.
3 March 2021
God of the wilder­ness, sus­tain­er of the lost, lone­ly, and bro­ken­heart­ed, be with us in the qui­et of evening. When the busy­ness of the day has set­tled down and we are left alone with our thoughts and grief, make your pres­ence known to us. We have spent a year sit­ting at the foot of the cross, star­ing into a world of death and pain. As we remem­ber and con­tem­plate our own mor­tal­i­ty in this sea­son, help us to lean into the hope of res­ur­rec­tion. Though we are still phys­i­cal­ly apart, help us to find ways to walk this Lenten jour­ney hand in hand. May we find rest in your com­fort­ing embrace and hope in the knowl­edge that a new day is com­ing, and with it, new life. In the name of the risen one, we pray. Amen.