Hi, I’m Kelsey!

I am a bib­li­cal schol­ar and pop cul­ture enthu­si­ast. I view myself as a schol­ar-edu­ca­tor locat­ed between the church and the acad­e­my, account­able to and writ­ing for both com­mu­ni­ties. I am in the ordi­na­tion process with the Pres­by­ter­ian Church (U.S.A.) and have expe­ri­ence men­tor­ing teenagers in both the min­is­te­r­i­al and pub­lic school contexts. 

In my most recent work, I read the Bible and sci­ence fic­tion as mutu­al­ly entan­gled and co-con­sti­tut­ing dis­cours­es that togeth­er open a hori­zon of imag­i­na­tion that com­pels read­ers toward the dream of a bet­ter future. My oth­er work exam­ines notions of grief and the func­tion of cul­tur­al mem­o­ry in com­mu­nal respons­es to trau­ma with­in bib­li­cal nar­ra­tive. I am also inter­est­ed in explor­ing the ways in which bib­li­cal texts, motifs, themes, and char­ac­ters are entan­gled with arti­facts of pop­u­lar culture.

I am cur­rent­ly the Reg­is­trar at The Seat­tle School of The­ol­o­gy & Psy­chol­o­gy. When I’m not at work you’ll find me explor­ing the Seat­tle food scene, curled up with a sci-fi nov­el, or haunt­ing one of sev­er­al local cof­fee shops.

Curriculum Vitae

Avail­able upon request.